Anatomy Moon-bounce News: LHS students now learn about human anatomy by exploring the inside pathways of this inflatable giant.
Anatomy Moon-bounce
The Anatomy Moonbounce
This air-inflated construct is designed to teach students and guests a lot about human and humanoid anatomy by allowing them to have fun walking (and bouncing) through a Titan-sized body. As are nearly all statues and likenesses in Inisfree, this one is female, and as proportional and visually pleasing as a moonbounce can be.
Dimensions & Layout:
Standing nearly 10 stories tall, with feet in a stance more than 20 feet wide, and internal pathways arranged like the colorful tubes of Discovery Zone (a bigger, more elaborate version of a McDonald's 'Play Place'), this moonbounce is designed so that the people exploring it will be able to see both translucent and opaque sections, showing how bones, tendons, muscles, and other tissues and bodyparts meet and overlap. Three routes exist through this giant inflatable body:
- through the ears into the brain (one may travel through either ear canal), then down through the spine to the tailbone exit into the anus (showing the lobes and functions of the brain, a view out through eyeballs big enough to walk into, the central nervous system fibers, spinal fluid, bone marrow, acupuncture points and energy meridians, and chakras, all represented by the internal artwork of this moonbounce)
- through the nostrils and mouth down into the lungs and heart (a cul-de-sac; turn-around point, showing the main parts of the cardiopulmonary system)
- through the nostrils and mouth down into the stomach and intestines, forking to exit either of two possible openings; the anus or urethra (showing the digestive tract, sex organs, and all the other torso organs along the way)
A turret-like, stand-alone AIOW provides easy access to the top openings of these routes; the ears, nose, and mouth holes.
Special Features:
Between the anus and urethra openings on this moonbounce is the vagina opening; another cul-de-sac like route which allows explorers to climb up into the vagina all the way through the uterus and then the two Fallopian tubes into the ovaries. Like all the other bodyparts of this moonbounce, the subtle mound that is the Gräfenberg spot is placed precisely where it would be in real life in this cavity. This gives explorers a deeper understanding of their sex organs.
Again, as with many images on this website, those below do not show the actual construct being discussed here. Rather, they show an approximation of the concepts which were combined to create the construct, giving you, the reader here, a better idea of what it Would look like.