Biblor'an News: Available online via the I.N.N. through Inisfreean H.A.N.s, this new book is now part of the official tour of Inisfree.
The Biblor'an
The Biblor'an
When I was little, I noticed many things about the world, what I wanted to experience, and how I wanted to adjust things. In order to best enter into the reading of the books that follow in this collection entitled The Biblor'an, one must have the proper context and reference frame, so let us begin:
Firstly, I wanted to enjoy lovemaking with multiple girls at the same time, and today I am happy and proud to've achieved this on numerous occasions. I also went on to enjoy sampling, sharing sensations, learning with, and pioneering new lovemaking techniques with more than 70 girls in person and at least a thousand more via correspondence, and that includes girls from every age and ethnic group, religious and economic background, skin, hair, and eye color, and some who, much to my delight, were more comfortable speaking another language. I never grew tired of lovemaking, touch therapy, or meeting new people and discussing what I've learned about this heart-healthy field with them. I've even written several books on the subject which have inspired many more -And an entire curriculum and academy based on the subject -one which i will lead as head professor (pun not intended) one day soon.
Secondly, I wanted to be a firefighter, a pilot, and a global leader in environmental reform. I got to tour fire stations in many of the 44 states I've now visited, help put out fires in California and Iraq, and even learn how to maneuver and hunt while in the Midst of one! As for being a pilot, i had my lessons paid for in Texas, where I learned how to fly fixed wing aircraft at the age of 23. And my childhood dream of spearheading foreign aid campaigns and, what I jokingly dubbed at the time 'The Supreme Environmentalist Dictatorship', has led my studies and me into the growing field of 'green' science; renewable energies, biodegradable materials and homes, combustion-free propulsion and transportation, and recycling on both the nano-metric and subatomic scales, as well as via harmonics. I have discovered hundreds of technologies and ways to make pollution a thing of the primitive past -and how to do so within our lifetimes.
Thirdly, I wanted to design and build my own home. This desire to create custom works of architectural art, interior designs, furniture and decor grew and blossomed until I had not only completed the design for my dream-house, but for countless other residences, restaurants, resorts, ships, yachts, limousines, public transports, military vehicles and aircraft, cities, worlds, and even entire star-ships and solar systems. At this very moment, I am continuing to refine the design of a city-sized resort community dwarfing even Disney World and Dubai, and pooling the artist and technical wizardry of every hotel and resort of every nation across the whole planet. My dream-house, once just two stories, and once again just a reduction to a one-room shanty off the grid, is now the size of an office building on a pristine, private mountain slope, and it's only getting bigger and more elaborate. This is just the beginning.
Fourthly, I enjoyed music, and wanted to continue learning at my quick pace without being held back by faulty systems or jealous peers. They needed their space and compartmentalization from me, and I, my own. Thankfully, I ended up getting to try my hand at dozens of fun instruments in many different musical schools and settings, including starting my own rock band on the coast of California, and receiving private tours of world famous performance halls and symphony centers, such as the Bass and Meyerson. I'm now proof-listening dozens of truly perfect musical compositions each day and night, and have written my own songs, choreographed my own stage performances, designed my own band's costumes and other special effects, and even designed my own next band, not to mention several new amphitheaters, stadiums, concert halls, night clubs, raves, and mobile facilities for them to perform from. That, and I have learned ways of using music (sound in general) as a construction tool, as well as for various therapies. Music has saved my life and touched my heart before, such as that of Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll and Amy Lee during my first deployment to the Arabian Desert, and I hope my music will, in time, save and touch yours. Even the very vocal signatures and capabilities of my Inisfreeans have been carefully engineered and honed to instantly achieve maximum benefits for anyone within range of hearing them, and that is something that is deeply important to me, as I'm sure it will be for you.
Fifthly, I wanted to reach a point in my life where both war and money were obsolete, and, surpassing even that, I now enjoy a lifestyle where distance, language barriers, national borders, and the previous status-quos are now, too. I have established and seen grown a network of friends and fellows, colleagues and companions, pioneers and world travelers so extensive that I haven't even officially connected with 1% of them online, and already the invaluable daily data flows from all of them and their corners of the world is so wonderfully overwhelming that I could never keep up with or even view it all, and that's with a whole host of high-tech' tools to assist me as the secretaries and administrators of the new age of cyber interaction. so many are my friends and associates now that all the things I have endured and been challenged by have ended up not mattering; not holding me back or ending me, as seemed to be the plan of various opponents at various chapters and times. I've had monies and other assets stolen from me, and even the ability to make more of them at respectable rates, but haven't ended up needing them. like the free trade, post-scarcity system written of in Star Trek, I have enjoyed plenty; plenty of 'hook ups' and gifts to last me all my days. I have so many books, images, videos, songs, articles, and other items now that I will be spending at Least another full decade just organizing my thoughts on, and inventions from, them all. My bills are paid. I have enough left over each month to try new sports and foods, and I can still even travel at times. I never ended up needing to fight my opponents, usually just needing to distance myself from them. money and war became obsolete -i didn't even need to restore my credit once ended by the extortion of corrupt apartments, hospitals, and courts. and even when I was stretching pennies to make ends meet, situations developed which allowed me to travel internationally and inter-continentally, which I always took advantage of. Once an instructor of elite war-fighters from around the world, I am now just as prominent an instructor of elite and rising stars in the fields of fitness, travel, philosophy, critical thinking, technology, sex and love.
Now, having helped manage multi-billion dollar projects across the nation, having helped train many tens of thousands of U.S. Marines, having seen almost all of the United States and good portions of all the other continents, and found and affirmed my life's purpose and calling, and after having made full recoveries from dozens of serious ailments from malpractice, I have run my first marathon atop a mountain range's ridge line, built my own business website of more than 1,000 webpages, designed my own educational system for grades K through post-graduate, and am finishing up reading and applying the wisdom of another 30 novels and other books. I am also enjoying the middle of yet another major expedition to the far north (where I also just learned to ski -and the joy and thrills there-of), and i still haven't needed much of any money at all, let alone to charge into any battles.
I have traveled more and seen more of our world than most major historical figures, mastered a great variety of jobs and locales, written and composed, sung and danced, dined at the finest restaurants of all time, loved and savored lust with girls as fine as supermodels (and in a few cases, they were supermodels), prepared and critiques business models and proposals, and even become my own boss amidst the 2nd Great Depression. Over the coming years I will also be exploring every other nation on Earth, flying into Space, and building my own corporation and empire.
But the most important thing of all is how I did all this -all in my teens and twenties. I did it with love. Instead of shying away from things or feeling bad, I tried all the new things that captured my heart and interests. I traveled even when it was scary -and even when it was into the worst war-zones on the planet. When I felt feelings for a girl, I shared them. When one relationship drew to a close, I looked forward to the next one. Instead of talking about ideas, I just did them. Instead of fighting my enemies, I learned and invented ways to not have to. It wasn't my skill as a leader of Marines that saved me... so much as it was my skill at loving mySelf and leading myself; at embracing my nature and proactively helping those around me to do the same. When given sound advice, I took it. When asked for it, I offered it. Nothing slowed me down or changed me, and of that I am very proud.
I studied rocket science (aerospace engineering), business administration, project management, computer science (information technology), construction, weather modification, agronomy, ancient history, mythology, tantric sex, dozens of languages and dialects, and so much more. I have multiple collegiate degrees now, including my first Master's, and am well on the way to my first Doctorate -and have already written its dissertation. All of these things I have mentally gobbled up with enthusiasm, loving to learn, and encouraging others to love the same -and just as much. And it is with that same love that I continue forward, always learning more, and always being ready and eager to love -whoever comes my way. ('nother two puns there!)
So now this brings us to the start of this book, the Biblor'an, named by the fusion of all three mainstream holy books, as it stands and serves as the bridge covering the fading gaps between them all. It doesn't preach fear, punishment, sin, hell, or damnation, and it doesn't command us to slaughter those with different beliefs. It also doesn't give us monotone hymns to regurgitate. instead, it suggests only what works; love, and is chock full of humor and great ideas and positive visions, and tested and proven lovemaking and counseling and uplifting techniques. Instead of supposed saints, prophets, disciples, and missionaries, all whining about their beliefs and struggles, this book gives the accounts of people claiming no special tier or role or selection, focusing on their banter and productive actions, bitching only when it is for comic relief, and never going on any missions to change or convert anyone. It emBraces variety and differences, uplifting everyone -including aliens and 'fallen angels' alike- to do what they love forever. It breaks the generational curses and asks for no tithings, prayers, or perverted celibacy. As you read it, you will find only good laughs and great love; things to inspire and uphold. This is the religion of Inisfree. So fret not... and enjoy.
Our Bible; that of we Inisfreeans, is, as we already stated, called The Biblor'an. Its pages feel like the silkiest human skin, though it is not made from skinning humans or harming anything, its script is inscribed in such a way as to also feel silky smooth, and when read, its words sound like erotically breathy whispers flowing evenly and perfectly through every accent on the planet, and its syntax musical. Even when accessed via the Inisfreean Neural Network (I.N.N.) via Human Area Network (H.A.N.) technology (the semi-touch-based techno-pathy variant of Ansible utilized by all Inisfreeans), this is how our holy book delights the senses of the reader. A hard-copy (physical copy) is available in the Governor's Mansions' library, the Library of Congress II, the library of Liberty High School, the library of The Tantric Academy, and aboard the Governor's Ark II.
Like the Torah, the Qur'an which developed from the Torah, the Bible which developed from the Qur'an, and the Book of Mormon which developed from the Bible, this book, the Biblor'an, has main sections and sub-sections, and is a collection of books chronicling some of the important and most entertaining events of the lives of the people who helped inspire and expand it. There is a Main Testament and a section for individual testaments. At the end, there will be an Afterword and a section for End Notes. Like the Apocryphal series, the Biblor'an, in reverence to the wise approach of making 'living documents' to 'keep with the times' (to remain relevant instead of obsolete and stubbornly vestigial), will have addition books added as sub-sections to its two main sections. It is entirely probable that your input will turn into one of the books of the Biblor'an, as well. Namaste.
If you spot any typographical errors in any of the following text (or any errors of any kind on any of the other webpages of this website and community), please do point them out to us so we can revise them at once. Thank you!
The Holy Biblor'an: Inisfree's Bible
Table of Contents:Forward
The Past
FOB1 Establishment
Multiplication Tables
Pearly Gates Challenge-and-Pass
Inisfreean (Language)
Psalms (Ancient Songs)
Engineered Clones
Sigils (Cosmic & Sex Magic)
Sex Spells
Daily Life
Round-the-World Expedition
The Rapture
KoHoE & the H.E.
Global Reverse-ambush
Revelations 2
The New Horizon
Additional Sub-books:
Inisfree's Biblor'an will also include the following books:
- 50 Shades of Green (Dinoid / Reptoid sex techniques)
- 50 Shades of Blue (Asari sex techniques)