Crystal Kaleidoscope News: This club now features giant, color-shifting crystals.
Crystal Kaleidoscope
Club Crystal Kaleidoscope
This club is designed to look like a geode large enough to walk into, making it a natural part and annex of the Uber Geode; a geode large enough to drive or fly through (making this club one of Inisfree's deepest, literally underground, night-and-dance clubs). Like the more colorful version of Superman's Fortress of Solitude near the North Pole, this construct has crystals of every color of the rainbow, most the size of street-light poles, kayaks, or larger. These crystals, like fiber optic 'hairs', slowly shift from one color to the next, and form borders between booths and sections of this club, looking a bit like the bamboo-based fences of Japan. The chandeliers are made of clusters of this same type of crystal, as are the benches and tables; horizontal crystals wide enough to sit and lie down upon. The visual effect is of being inside a kaleidoscope, as much of the surfaces here either reflect or refract the dynamic colors fading on and off across thousands of planes (wide, flat surfaces; the faces of these large crystals).
"Song" by Artist
"Song" by Artist
Gogo Dancers:
The professional dancers in this club wear costumes which make them resemble the highly colorful, predominantly happy and carefree ravers of the more relaxed Outlands communities and techno parties; you will see costumes of every color here, with hair highlights matching cellophane-based mini-dresses, accessorized with a high number of wristbands, along with 'fluffies' (the leg warmers that look like furry versions of Soccer shin guards).