Mansion Porch & Patio News: This walkway now has hanging porch swings, love-seats, and fire-tables all its own.
Mansion Porch & Patio
Mansion Porch & Patio
The lowest of this mansion's three wrap-around walkways, each of which encircles its immediate exterior almost completely (with the exception of the A.I.O.W. turrets, porte-cochère, and a few other brief spots), this porch steps down and feeds out into the patio which encircles its two side-yard swimming pools. Out there, circles of stone benches around fire pits, along with tanning recliners and picnic blanket spots on the yard are all available and wide open.
Dimensions & Layout:
With the porch's depth of 20 feet (from mansion wall to porch railings and ledge), it alone has a walking area of about 30,000 square feet. Adding the smooth stone sections that make up the patio around the swimming pools out here, and that square footage easily increases beyond 90,000. That's more floor space than three giant mansions of the Outlands combined.
Special Features:
Like all paved and hard surfaces in this realm, the porch and patio of this mansion are 'smart'-surfaces which rapidly adjust themselves to prevent painful impacts, skinned knees or palms, and the like.