Mansion Wine Lobby News: The latest addition to the mansion's kitchen, this room will impress the most worldly of oenophiles.
Mansion Wine Lobby
Mansion Wine Lobby
While alcohol is generally banned across all of Inisfree, the Governor of the city enjoys a somewhat librarian-esque role when it comes to preserving authentic examples of just about anything. Wines are no exception, and so it is that he has used a number of his technologies to stow, stockpile, and safeguard these rarities (in the aftermath of the Rapture Campaign's terraforming) here. This storage unit built into one corner of this mansion's kitchen is for wine only, and has every type of wine the Outlands ever produced, all perfectly arranged alphabetically, with digital readouts over each slot indicating the age of that particular bottle. The computer system that keeps track of them all is mentally (technopathically) accessible by any Inisfreean staff member, so any of them can instantly tell you exactly where to navigate to find the wine or wines of the flavor profiles you are looking for.
Dimensions & Layout:
In a kitchen 10 stories tall with a ground-floor area of 15,000 square feet, it should come as no surprise that there is ample room for huge storage units devoted to a single type of consumable, such as this. The Governor's mansion's wine lobby here stands five stories tall, and is divided into chilled-wines compartments and room-temperature-wines compartments, with subdivisions for more than 200 types of wines a piece, and individual wine bottle slots for thousands of brands and multiple bottles from different milestone years per brand.
Special Features:
Wines are not imported from the Outlands, nor made from the farmland of Inisfree, for the following reasons:
- alcohol is contraband in Inisfree
- 99% of humanity was purged from the Outlands in order to re-stabilize the Earth (thus, there are no more vineyards or wine makers for the time being)
- 99% of what is left of humanity is forbidden to know about Inisfree's existence, much less how to trade with it
- Inisfree can (and does) grow any and all of the food it will ever need
- Materializer technology makes such work unnecessary
However, wines can be 'sung' into existence via the Inisfreean next-gen' 3D-printing technology, and that is how the slots and compartments of this wine lobby in the Governor's mansion's kitchen has been filled with all the best. You will find that the results are exquisitely palatable and indiscernible from the old-fashioned Outlands method of creating these wines. One glass of your choice per day is considered acceptable if you are an authorized guest of this particular mansion.