NWO Military SSBSs News:  There is now 1 of this class of Spaceship anchored inside Star-system Auzdein on eternal stand-by.
NWO Military SSBSs
Star-Sized Battle Stations

SSBSs have a Death Star-based core, and a surface made to look like a normal star (and Star Trek type scans reflect this).  An SSBS is called a Life-star instead of a Death Star.  This is because Inisfreean Spaceships, though they have the ability to disintegrate cosmic bodies, almost always use their immense power to create, stabilize, seed, and pleasure those bodies, such as when they adopt them as protectorates.  This type of Inisfreean Spaceship (the SSBS) will be mass-cloned whenever there is Space warfare on the Megaversal level down to the solar-cluster level; when ships of this scale are not over-qualified and under-utilized.  One SSBS (with its complement) is always more than enough to handle up to 10,000,000 average solar system's planets and moons [~10 planets and ~200 moons in the average solar system (the 34 Tauri system of Firefly is comparable to this, as it has 56 planets and 125 moons)], or ~4,000 average solar systems if the missions extend into those solar systems' equivalents of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. 10,000 SSBSs can handle the average galaxy. With 1 trillion galaxies detected in the Universe, 10,000,000,000,000,000 SSBSs could handle them all in relatively short time, though, over centuries, only thousands of SSBSs would be needed.

Dimensions & Layout:
Diameter:  865,000 miles (slightly greater than the Sun's)
Grid:  Its outer surface and internal levels are divided into hexagons, not squares narrowing into triangles at the poles.
Population:  ~4,018,000,000,000,000,000,000 Inisfreean Master Females
World Hangars:  Each SSBS has multiple concentric layers of these Earth-sized hangars arranged in hexagonal grids.  An SSBS can house 1,000,000 PSBSs (which float or teleport in/out of these World Hangars).

Special Features:
This star-sized Spaceship can mimic the readings and movements of most other stars, though its gravitational field is much smaller due to its much lower density composition, slower internal spin, and signature masking technology.

Appearance Modes

Like all ST and AP suits, Inisfreean star-sized battle-stations have the following appearance and cloaking options:
  • Basic / Nude (a sphere with a honeycomb-like grid dividing it)
  • Cloaked (transparent, showing Outer Space straight through it)
  • Masked (covered in sun-spots and solar-flares, etc.; appearing as if it is a normal star)
  • Nova (flashing with the brightness of a star in order to surprise, disorient, or even blind nearby enemies, or remaining as bright as a normal star)​​​