VTOL Boosters News:  These giant constructs hidden deep beneath the surface of Inisfree are now part of the city's official tour.
Inisfree's VTOL Boosters
Inisfree's VTOL Boosters:

​V.T.O.L. stands for Vertical Take-Off and Landing.  With larger aircraft, such as cargo planes, often J.A.T.O. (Jet-Assisted Take-Off) rockets are attached to the exterior of the main body, then ignited to give the heavier aircraft the extra thrust it needs to achieve lift and flight on shorter runways.  In the case of Inisfree, the VTOL method is vertical cylindrical prisms arranged radially within the city's lower (subterranean) hemisphere.  Like JATO rockets, and like the rockets used to launch the primitive Outlander Space-shuttles into orbit, these Inisfreean VTOL boosters are giant, towering, turbo accelerators designed to create enough thrust to raise the entire city of Inisfree up off the ground and well beyond orbit.

Though Inisfreeans have the technology to use simpler means of transportation, such as combustion engines, they tend to use warp-drives, black-hole manipulation, and other singularities.  In the case of these city-sized VTOL boosters, the excess energy from nearby stars, such as their coronal mass ejections and larger solar flares, is harnessed and teleported into the tops of these VTOL boosters' chambers; at the height of their cylindrical prisms, and then allowed to expand rapidly downward and outward, giving Inisfree an easy lift-off from any world.

There is another form of thrust that these giant VTOL boosters can be set to, and how it works is highly classified even with the hidden Inisfreean realm, but what it looks like can be discussed; when, in this mode, the VTOL boosters turn on, the city of Inisfree simply floats slowly up from its resting place upon the surface of whichever world it is on, and in the wake that hangs below it are what appear to be sheets of very slowly falling rain particles twinkling with sporadic flickers of starlight.  In other words, it looks like an aetherial mist of pixie dust is gracefully, casually descending down from the lowest ports of the sphere which is Inisfree, and hanging in the air as it sparkles and shimmers like those rare fireworks some might see in the Outlands during the 4th of July.  It is this final and classified form of lift-off which the Inisfreeans save for their most treasured and beloved hosts on the worlds which are civilized and free-loving.
