Repairs after the double First Contact, leading into the triple First Contact:IRL Date-time: 2010 September 9
IRP Date-time: 2517 September 9
Dreadnought Ship: [[[goes through massive repairs, tax payers don't need to know
about the new gold toilets]]]
Kharakia The infinitely incompressible abilities of the webway was
something of wonder for the Glith Amon. Of course being suddenly thrown into it
after simply holding a small token that looked nothing more than a piece of porous
looking bone was something of, well, to put it into human terms; <C>
Kharakia What the Fuck. It was sure by now, that the human vessel had been
in the same place as it been in a last few days, undergoing repairs that the
Eldar had inflicted on the structure while trying to find the Glith. For the
survivors of the Almighty, they had been placed in another part of the
Kharakia the ship, and though their movements were restricted from
venturing to most of the ship, they had some benefit of gaining access to the
dry-docked Almighty Venture, but most of the ship was a complete wreck in terms
of attempted repairs. With no reactors, they had no power at <C>
Kharakia the moment, and borrowed flashlights from the NH crew to see
what could be done to get the craft flyable once more….~
Dreadnought Ship : [Once the New Horizon had been searched and cleared by the advance
teams, power was restored manually and its hatches were sealed. Room by room,
atmosphere was restored and damage was cordoned off. Personnel were posted to
redirect foot traffic around the areas in repair. The escape vessels began to
return, dock, and unload. -c-
Dreadnought Ship : The UAP Command began to receive the relayed reports of the
incident, and it was determined that no more ships would be able to better the
situation. The escort ships already in the NH strike group repositioned
themselves as before. It would take considerable time to reformat the data core
and get the AI back up to speed, but it was underway.]
Auzdein von Himmler : [Still rather shaken up by the sudden connection and loss shortly
after there-of, he piloted his ship back to its assigned hangar once clearance
and directions were transmitted in to his cockpit set-up. The Shelwe woman was
still fresh in his mind's eye, and although he had no idea what she really was,
he knew he'd heard whispers and rumors about-
Auzdein von Himmler : -c- her and her kind... or, at least, the rumors of species that
were very much likened to them. If they were who he hoped they were, he would
attempt communication again...if ever they returned.]
Dreadnought Ship : *the Firefly silently flew toward the opening NH hangar doors and
slowed its approach to be overridden by the grapplers. Its landing feet
extended and cushioned its settling down onto the hangar platform. Engines
turning and winding down, finally making sound inside the closing and
pressurizing hangar, it came to a hushed stop.*
Dreadnought Ship : [some of the security forces and medical team, still in biohazard
over-suits, were escorting the Glith who were healthy enough to get about the
ship under their own power, in the re-entry and inspection of their vessel,
which was docked in one of the NH's larger hangar bays. The scans of their ship
were done manually, as the AI was still offline.]
Kharakia The crews of the Glith worked quietly, getting orders from the
second in command of the ship as their Shipmaster had been the only one of the
group to be missing in action. The last moments of that battle reflected in
some of the Glith's minds, of seeing their Shipmaster order them on, while she
Kharakia took up the arms of the two guards that had been killed in their
bid to escape with the Glith. But with the crew's return to the section of
ship, only the dead soldiers in their hazard suits, remained as well as a
single weapon when there should have been two. But there may have been a fear,
that <C>
Kharakia their human hosts would see the Glith now as a larger threat,
but all they could do for the moment, was simply hoping that it was not them
who had done this~
Deputy_Vince_Nassida : The past couple of days has been a nightmare for the already
stretched thin security forces on the New Horizon, even the civilian police
have been drafted into the recovery effort. He is supervising one of the Damage
Control parties that is working on one of the landing bays. Not easy nor
glamorous work but it's work that must be done.<E>
Kharakia Timing was never perfect for
anything. One might say there were times, but in all honestly, it could have
been done a microsecond sooner or a microsecond after. But there were always
time where it was just perfect. But in this case, it was never perfect for
either party. As Auzdein's firefly rested in <C>
Kharakia t's landing skids, and
started its own shutting down procedures, it did seem to be perfect timing for
the hanger to pressurize once again, and everything to be settled before a
millisecond flash of light above the cockpit's window, and a hard enough
landing to question how <C>
Kharakia durable the glass was as
Kharakia's artificial cybernetic left elbow was the first to touch the glass,
before her body thudded against the sloped face of the craft. Pain of coarse
followed as she shouted loudly at the impact, and rolled before disappearing
from the view of the glass. Only a lucky <C>
Kharakia grab would have stopped her
fall for a moment, as she hung from another angled piece of metal just to the
side of the 'head' of the spacecraft, before another heavy thud as she came to
rest on the hanger floor, and after a few long seconds, slowly moved trying to
seat herself upright…~
Auzdein von Himmler : [Upon seeing the Glith, whom he didn't know
were even aboard, appear and land on the windshield panel of his ship, his eyes
went wide for a moment in non-plussed amusement and surprise. Unbuckling the
5-point harness from his seat, he jogged out of the cockpit while tapping in a
message to his PDA, and made his way down to suit up to investigate.]
Nyria Serra : [Hearing the firefly captain pass by overhead, she looked up her
open ladderwell from her room in the lower half of the neck of the small ship,
and returned to putting her things away before she climbed up to see what was
going on. The emergency ride out of the New Horizon the other night had left
her visibly shaken.]
Dreadnought Ship : [[[Crews of repair personnel, guards, techies, and the like,
continued to rotate out on overlapping shifts to continue the round-the-clock
repair and reloading work for the 7,000-staffed warship. The command (bridge)
and CDC modules had returned to their places inside the ship, and reestablished
their connections for reactor power and network.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *Now parked on the platform and anchored by the robotic latches
to the nonskid, the ship continued to hiss and whine down as it powered down
all systems except the air recycling and internal clock. The impact from the
falling Glitch hadn't budged the windshield, which was several layers thick and
coated to resist shatter and concussions.*
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {Once again, he had thoroughly -not- enjoyed the wild ride off
the New Horizon, and wondered how long it took space faring crew to adjust to
the harrowing escapes and evasive maneuvers. Unstrapping from his seat in the
cargo hold of the firefly, where he'd barely made it to in the evacuation, he
stood and tried to collect himself before exiting.}
Kharakia The hard landing onto
the metal floor would have been unpleasant to say the least. She had been lucky
enough not to have landed on her head, having landed partly on her side, and be
able to 'flow' the impact though her. The cybernetic arm was already limp from
the initial impact, <C>
Kharakia having broken the
elbow joint that had taking the brunt of the force before being landed on
again. From what she could tell, nothing was broken besides a few rib as she
whizzed in breaths, and let out a few heavy coughs as she was able to roll to
her side. Besides the uniform that she had <C>
Kharakia been wearing for the
last few days, which now had taken a few open cuts from the impact against the
space craft. " A lil phraktos. Ele ussa." She wheezed out before
coughing again, trying to stand.~
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [suiting up to join the captain, he donned his
biohazard over-suit and readied one of the laserifles stowed aboard the
modified firefly. Looking over at the doctor, he smirked inside his helmet but
quickly wiped it off his face. He enjoyed the flights so far, but he didn't
want to irritate the doc with jokes about his butterflies this soon.]
Auzdein von Himmler : [now in his biohazard suit, he carried his tactically slung
assault rifle with him to the hatch on the side of the firefly's cargo hold,
and waited for Brahan to join him as they stacked up. by now, his message would
have been received by security aboard the NH, and a team would be joining them
to see who the intruder was.]
Nyria Serra : she climbed up the narrow ladderwell to the neck hallway and
walked to the hatch revealing the cargo hold's catwalk, gripping the railing
for stability as she moved. Her nerves were still a little shot and she was
trying to compose herself. She saw Brahan and the captain at the side hatch for
personnel, and waited in her lofty overwatch, still –c
Nyria Serra : - unaware as to what was going on, and not wanting to interrupt.]
Dreadnought Ship : [[[Repairs continued well into the night, and midrats were
brought out by personnel conveyor belt or working party. The escort ships,
including a freighter, ferried replacement material and supplies across,
creating space lanes of highway like traffic between the once again distant
warships in the strike group.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the small side hatch hissed and swung inward and open to reveal
the 2 suited men inside. The rest of the ship had powered down by now, and was only
faintly and sporadically creaking and popping like a recently heated engine
block. The ship showed signs of shrapnel ricochet and peppering from its
evacuation exposure.*
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {He finally shook out the jitters and stood off to the side,
watching as the other two made their way to the side hatch. He didn't bother to
ask what they were doing, already assuming it was another of the seemingly many
and frequent violent incidents that came with being temporarily stationed
aboard this ship.}
Kharakia By all appearances to Auzdein
and Brahan, Kharakia was completely unarmed, and was. Most of the combat gear,
computers, and other handheld items that she would have normally had, would
have still within the confines of the quarinteen area. That much she knew of as
she looked <C.
Kharakia towards the sounds of
a hiss and a hatch clanking open against metal. "Rescho, rescho, Usstan
inbal nau shaedyl." She said to the pair, stumbling a bit as she started
to stand. By all appearances, she looked human. But the pointed ears that were
sticking though her brown-blonde hair was a <C.
Kharakia give-away that she
wasn't, as well as the small rings around the inside of her irus of her eyes
Auzdein von Himmler : [with his weapon at the ready (pointing
forward, cheek on the buttstock, eye on the tactical scope) he band-stepped it
forward a few meters closer to the alien and used his non-trigger hand to make
a flat hand shape and a get-down arm motion, keeping his weapon sighted in on
the creature. 'Interesting humanoid.' He thought. Aliens didn't much -c-
Auzdein von Himmler : shock or phase him at this point, but he still
took precaution with each one. Humans were enough of a handful for him in the
Dreadnought Ship : [[[a security team quickly entered their section of the hangar
bay from one of the far hatches along the bulkhead, and jogged over, fanning
out as they approached, all wearing the biohazard gear from before. Most hadn't
had a chance to take it off since the evacuation, and were smelling accordingly
within it. The team encircled the Glith and -c-
Dreadnought Ship : looked to Himmler for an explanation of why this one wasn't with
the Glith group being escorted aboard their docked vessel in the other
Nyria Serra : [standing at the top of the catwalk, she watched as the captain
and Brahan exited the small hatch, noticing how fluidly they moved. She had
often studied body language at the Companion Training House, and saw that the
captain didn't seem to move up or down much when he walked. -at least not with
his weapon. She looked down to the doctor...]
Firefly Class Ship : *now powered down and nearing silence, its small side hatch
remained opened and tilted inward to the cargo hold.*
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {After he watched the two exit the ship, he felt eyes on him and
looked up to see their new companion, gave a faint smile and then turned his
attention back to the still open hatch, deciding to approach it and see what
was going on outside. No gunfire... He thought it safe to take a look...
Peeking out, he saw the Glith and called to the guards –c
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : - "Wait. I know that one. That's their leader." He
hopped down from the open side hatch and flagged over the captain and the
leader of the guard force to speak with him.}
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [He kept his weapon sighted in on the Glith, who he did not know
had been on the ship with the others of its kind. Every now and then his eyes
would dart left or right to check the rest of the hangar, but he mostly used
his peripheral vision to stay on line with the other security personnel. The
alien had his pulse going. He had never been off-c-
Brahan Fionn Odhar : world before, let alone seen an alien. He had always heard they
were just rumors or jokes or ghost stories to keep kids in bed at night.]
Kharakia was slow to move to a
knee, largely because of the pain she was experiencing, and it was enough to
see that her left arm was completely unusable. The Glith already knew that this
was a poor situation for her, and slowly moved as best she could to lay flat on
the deck. She would <C.
Kharakia however, keep her head
up and look around, hoping to perhaps see a guard that had been with the Glith,
and knew what happened, or perhaps someone of the medical crew. "Usstan uil
naut natha ogglinn, Usstan zhahus plynnet dal lil xonathull a lil Eldar lueth
zhahus yutsu."
Auzdein von Himmler : [He held his position, glancing to Brahan and the other security
personnel before raising his muzzle to turn and jog back to where their new
doctor stood. "What's going on?" he spoke through the synthesizer on
the suit's helmet. His visor only had one layer down and showed his slightly
frowning facial expression. One hand was raised in question.]
Nyria Serra : [inching her way around the catwalk, finally adjusting to her
space-legs (like sea legs hehe), she reached the stairs down to the raised
catwalk platform about halfway down into the cargo hold, still unable to see
what was going on outside, but hearing the talking. Her hair was still tied
back in a hasty ponytail she had made while on the run. -c-
Nyria Serra : She looked around to see if anyone else was still on board with
them, having remained gripping the bed posts in her room during the evacuation,
and not bothering to do much other than say her prayers. The ship seemed empty
and oddly quiet. Maybe she was just used to the berthing and electrical
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The squad leader of the security force encircling the Glith
jogged over with Himmler and waited for the doctor to explain. "You'd
better get a suit on, sir." he told Bulgakov, knowing he didn't have to
explain why. None of the reports on immuno-compatibility had reached the crew
yet, and they weren't about to take any risks after everything –c
Dreadnought Ship : - that had transpired already.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the firefly remained silent, finally cooled off and matching
the temperature of its surroundings inside the hangar. The engines' internal
fins were no longer aglow, and the spinning inards of the main drive had
stopped rotating. All was at peace, despite some superficial seasoning.*
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {nodding to both men and acknowledging the sailor's
recommendation, he informed them of his familiarity with the Glith they'd
encircled "That one is no threat as far as we can tell. Initial
communication attempts were peacefully returned. I don't know how it appeared
here, but let me suit up and patch in to the ship's AI if it's up. Maybe I can-
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : c- interpret some more and figure out what's going on. Give it
any medical attention it needs while I'm preparing." and with that, he
turned and hopped back up into the open side hatch of the Firefly to get his
suit on.}
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [He studied the Glith, looking it up and down, and frowning a
bit in curiosity at its features -those of its gear and physique. It kinda
looked like a male, kinda like a female, and he wasn't about to guess and
offend the thing. He noticed its wounded arm and glanced around real quick for
the captain. "Captain-" not wanting to say his name in –c
Brahan Fionn Odhar : - of the alien "-Better take a look at it. I think it's
wounded, sir."]
Augustine Bilderberg : <Up in his office in the New Horizon, he finished sending off
the latest reports to his corporate underlings, letting them know only what
they needed to, and observing OPSEC in not saying anything about the recent
contact incidents. He would speak with the Executive Officer about that matter
later, and what, if anything, he could use for his -c-
Augustine Bilderberg : business.>
Kharakia would have only
remained quiet as she faced the barrels of several firearms. As for the Crew of
the Almighty, none would have known for the time being that their Shipmaster
had returned, most of them being inside on of the rooms allotted for them after
the quarantine~
Auzdein von Himmler : [turning back around, he slowly walked up to offer a friendly
smile (no teeth showing) and open hand to the alien humanoid. He wondered if
the alien called the humans "alienoids" or "Glithoids",
since we looked like it did. Keeping his shooting hand on the pistol grip, and
his finger off the trigger and resting on its guard, he waited for it to
Nyria Serra : [She finally mustered the courage to walk down the rest of the
steps, enjoying her legs no longer shivering in the adrenalin and aftermath of
the evacuation events. She saw the doctor climb back up into the small side
service hatch and walk to get his suit. She smiled curtly and crept her way up
to the edge of the hatch to lean her head out. -c-
Nyria Serra : Seeing the alien, she caught her eyes going wide and quickly
recomposed herself in accordance with her training. Deciding it best to remain
inside and not risk any diseases, she waited and looked around for the doctor,
wondering if she should hold her breath...]
Kharakia With some of the
security team lowering weapons and keeping them safe, as well as the sounding
of boots against the deck of Auz, Kharakia looked up to see the offered hand,
to which she slowly drew her knees in, and lifted her self with her right arm.
Getting up was still painful, but at <C>
Kharakia least she accepted the
help from the human, and was able to lift herself up fully. "
G'rftte" She said, sighing from the amount of attention the Glith seemed
to garnish from Humanity. Was it just them or all alien life that gave them
reason to take up arms and threaten death? Perhaps it was human nature~
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The squad leader of the security force signaled for a couple
of his men to step in and assist the Glith in walking. Two of them flicked
their weapons to safe and slung them, stepping in to put the Glith's healthy
arm over one of their shoulders, while the other guards lowered their weapons
and formed a circle around the Glith to keep anyone not
Dreadnought Ship : -c- suited at a safe distance from exposure to it. Contact with
the crew was still generally forbidden, and River City was still in effect for the
whole strike group, save critical transmissions between the Captains, Admiral,
and the UAP Command back planet-side.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the air was fresh and crisp as it continued to sway back and
forth through the small side hatch of the firefly, having been recently pumped
in from the reserve tanks scattered about the inside of the NH. It was
distinct, but not like the chemical-laden and humid-heavy air of naval vessels
of earlier generations.*
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {After suiting up as quickly as he could, and checking his gauges
and holo-HUD, he made his way back out the side hatch, stepping down a bit more
carefully this time, to see the guards helping the Glith along to the hangar
hatch about a hundred meters away from the Firefly. He jogged to catch up, net-book
now in hand coming online.}
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [He put his weapon on safe and slung it with the rest of them,
and walked alongside his captain, studying the alien the whole time. He wanted
to ask it so many questions, but had no idea how, or if they'd let him with his
absence of a clearance or ship affiliation. He still wondered if he was seen as
a terrorist in some of their eyes, or if any -
Brahan Fionn Odhar : c- them had even been told of his origins just a few months
Augustine Bilderberg : <Stretching and kicking his heels up onto his desk, he leaned
back in the decent armchair they'd provided him with his private office aboard
the ship. It wasn't the first class he'd grown accustomed to over his decades
in the gray, but it suited him for the time being. Especially with all the new
assets and interest he was gaining on this venture
Augustine Bilderberg : . He looked at his computer screen and saw the video feed from
Himmler's helmet mounted camera. He had been observing their group the whole
Kharakia The Glith's chest
still hurt to breath, making her breaths shorter than normal, but nothing that
would have been life threatening. The limp left arm still swung poorly as one
of the security assisted her in moving from the hanger. It would have been
likely this would have lead to another trip <C>
Kharakia to decontamination, UV
screens and such before being placed in quarantine, essentially meaning several
more hours by herself while the rest of the Glith crew enjoyed some leisure
time, or had they been granted some time with the humans to learn about them,
and assist them in <C.
Kharakia repairing their ship?
She wouldn't know as he looked back towards Sasha, the only familiar face among
the group. " Phuul ussta lodias jugare, Sasha? " She called back,
trying to crane her neck around to see the Doctor, though hissed half why
though her sentence because of the broken ribs and <C>
Kharakia strain on her collar
LT_M_Collins Though looking like
shit warmed over, and dealing with only half of her platoon and some mook from
the chow hall, the Dropship bay was a buzz of activity as those who were
returning from the evacuation were processed back through. "Hey, whoa what
the hell is that?" Zie asked a civilian as he coming through the
processing point with a large bag <>
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {Catching up quickly, he waited for the speaker on his net-book
to capture what the Glith was saying, isolate the sounds from the other ones
around it, and work with what it had downloaded as far as the Glith language
assumptions went. It returned back the translation, and he prepared and spoke
his response through the helmet synth -c-
LT_M_Collins that set off the local
explosive sensors. "Fertilizer." The young woman meekly answered
looking over the rim of her glasses. "Cpl, search this bag." Zie
motioned to the burly mook of a cook to take the civilian aside.
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : "Usstan uil jorosin nin, Kharakia. Lu'oh phuul dos? Xun dos
jivviim? Xun dos inbal t'larryo?"}
Dreadnought Ship : [[[AI still not up yet. Thanks for the fireworks. HAL 9000 will
have to do for now.]]]
Auzdein von Himmler : [Following with the group, he gave a thumbs up briefly in his
helmet visor's view for the investor to see and perhaps get a chuckle out of.
Keeping an eye on the mini-messages and icons appearing in the holo-HUD inside
his helmet, he got word that the Glith was to be taken in for some questioning
in the quarantined medbay. He informed the -c-
Auzdein von Himmler : squad leader of the security force and tapped Brahan on the
shoulder to fall back with him. "Doctor," he called through his
helmet synth to Bulgakov. "Tell the Glith I said it was a pleasure to make
its acquaintance, and that I hope it makes a speedy recovery. ...And ask it
what gender it is." he grinned as he fell back from the group.]
Nyria Serra : [Waiting inside the Firefly, she hadn't had any word or
indication from the others to suit up, so she assumed -hoped- it was safe to
remain clothed as lightly as she was. Letting down her ponytail, she shook her
hair out into a fluff of bouncy curls and let it settle around her shoulders
and collarbone. Not sure what she should do at this point,-
Nyria Serra : she went to her room to check her PDA for any word on a
reestablished connection with the NH network, or any word of how her sisters
aboard the ship had fared in the evacuation.]
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The security team continued to help the Glith walk to the
medbay that was once again quarantined -now with its atmosphere restored- and
turned it over to the medical techs standing by waiting for it, having already
sent advance word to them through the j-dial system along their route through
the ship.]]]
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {He continued to walk side by side with Khara until they were in
the medbay, where he straightened the sheets on the emergency room table before
Khara readied to lie down on it for a check-up and bandaging if need be.
Looking to his net-book, he waited for Khara to make the next move, and
prepared a list of questions in the Glith language.}
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [stepping back from the group, he joined the captain and looked
around the p-ways he'd seldom set foot in. Most of his time was spent in the
gym or on the Firefly, hiding out kinda since he still felt uneasy being around
the side of the military he had spent so many years fighting a guerilla war
planet-side against. He'd heard rumors of the clone
Brahan Fionn Odhar : -c- Alexis flagging down fugitives with her pistol and toying
with them before they disappeared.]
Augustine Bilderberg : <He smirked at the thumb gesture and let it slide, feeling
confident no one else in the busied group of escorts saw it. "Fucking ex
military. Always have the same attitude." he smiled to himself as he
continued to watch the video feed. His feet remained up on his desk, one ankle
resting atop the other, and his arms resting on the chair-sides.>
Kharakia " Ussta suul zhah
retlah del jiv'undus lueth ussta zet da're orn ssrig'luin xund Rilu'oh Usstan
uil mzild ezsakil bauth ussta oldies, Sasha" She said, looking around the
small group of people that had, well, would be protecting, and caging her at
the same time. "Usstan shlu'ta dajakk ussta <C.
Kharakia da're, Usstan fridj
ssrig'luin ussta syr eil masi vas. Nind zhal'la tlu xuil lil v'dre del ussta
Taern'm aezedael nindel zhahus plynnet" She would say to the doctor as the
group moved into the medical pay. Slowly Kharakia would have moved from the
Guard's shoulder to the metal bed, and for <C>
Kharakia now sat on it. So far,
she wouldn't lay down, but start to remove the upper part of her uniform. Under
it, was the same black tank-top like shirt (think in military terms people) and
would rest her right hand on the top of her left shoulder. What might have
looked like smooth skin, was <C>
Kharakia quickly popped off,
showing the machine that it hid. It was the only part of her arm that didn't
feel. She had been more focused on getting that worked again, or at least
seeing how badly the damage was, than wondering what the human asked about her.
Like she could understand human right now.
Auzdein von Himmler : [Returning to his Firefly, he did a quick sweep over his suit
and rifle in the medbay before doffing and stowing it all. Back in his normal
outfit of casual semi-fatigues, he returned to the cockpit to check on
everything -namely the windshield.]
LT_M_Collins The local radios that
the independent military units throughout the ship chirped to life as mandatory
updates were being reported to the entire crew. The Core was down and it was
estimated that it would take nearly a week to upload the back up data. Zie
shook her head at that tidbit of information allowing her rifle to fall to her
side, still <>
Nyria Serra : [Walking through the neck hallway, she stopped at the hatch up
into the cockpit and studied the captain before stepping up and in.
"Captain, ..." she began with a pause, waiting for him to finish his
LT_M_Collins attached by the
shoulder strap. Leaning her head back against the back of her body armor she
attempted to pop her neck but ended up failing. Moving to the other side of the
hangar, she posted herself on a large cargo box and popped a squat to watch the
LT_M_Collins attached by the
shoulder strap. Leaning her head back against the back of her body armor she
attempted to pop her neck but ended up failing. Moving to the other side of the
hangar, she posted herself on a large cargo box and popped a squat to watch the
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The medical personnel continued to assess and bandage up the
Glith, but couldn't administer any intravenous sedatives or pain relievers yet
-not even basic antiseptics- as its genome had yet to be fully studied.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the Firefly remained cool and dimly lit, with only trace
amounts of light making it through the internal hatches from a few portholes
and the cockpit windshield panels out to the hangar bay and its ceiling mounted
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {Waiting a few moments for the translations to come through, he
read off the English characters phonetically describing how to respond to the
Glith. "Vel'drav udos dajakk dos aglust lueth aglust, udos alu dos ulu dos
lueth xas morfeth inbau dos it'x." Hoping he got the message across that
he would take her to her ship and gear.}
Brahan Fionn Odhar : [having returned to the Firefly with his captain, he followed
suit into the medbay to check his gear and weapon before returning them to
their places in the cargo hold. He kept another set in his room, and decided to
return there for some shut-eye before the next epic disaster struck. 'Good
times' he thought as he made his way up the steps to the-
Brahan Fionn Odhar : -c- catwalk, and around to the hatch to the neck hallway and his
room's tiny ladderwell.]
Augustine Bilderberg : <Now observing the Glith in the medbay, and the Glith
re-entering their ship in another video feed, he began to ponder how he could
approach the Captain or XO of the NH with his proposal regarding them, and any
that wished to remain in contact...>
Shelwe [A figure stalked the
halls of the New Horizon. She had a camo-lined cloak which concealed her
elegant body. An aurora of energy was cast about her, runes of strange
technologies rendering her effectively no more than a ghost. Even her signature
upon the ship was non-existent. The ghost floated upon psychic energies,
towards the medical bay. -c-
Shelwe Lesser beings walked
around her, for reasons they could not fathom. In the back of their minds,
something told them to, a primal, illogical demand that was subconsciously met.
At last, she came across the Glith. The one that possessed a certain Wraithbone
covered coin. The ghost folded her arms and proceeded to observe. It seemed that
her -c-
Shelwe -c- 'partner' had an
artificial arm of sorts. Something was in disrepair. The ghost whispered to
her, and a voice appeared in the creature's head. "Are you in pain, are you in
need of aid?"]
Kharakia sighed, but hissed
loudly as one of the assistance started to give the Glith a bandage wrap around
her mid-section, though it would have been done after having to remove the
shirt and get it to properly wrapped. " Ji verve izil … Usstan inbau
nindyn …it'x. Usstan orn tlu ula. " She <C>
Kharakia hissed loudly again,
as the bandage was secured tightly again. " a lil phraktos naut ji dubo.
" But with that, she would have gone silent, looking around as she heard
the voice, but then saw the figure as if it was a image within her eye. She sighed
then, and merely though. "Yes, no thanks to the Webway."~
Auzdein von Himmler : [He turned back, noticing Serra, and smiled to her through tired
eyes, albeit welcoming ones. "Yes, Lady Serra?" he asked, resting one
hand on the pilot's chair now beside him.]
LT_M_Collins The boredom of working
as a gate guard for the ship was not how she thought she would be spending her
time, however, there had to be some order to this chaos that happened over the
past couple of days.
Nyria Serra : [She paused, squinting faintly as she studied him again.
"...I thought we might continue our yoga... and I wanted to ask you
something." She waited for him to inquire or speak further. She had seen
his bottle of pills, and was worried about him, as well as for herself and his
crew, especially after seeing how he liked to fly by the seat of his -
Nyria Serra : pants.]
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The personnel aboard the ship continued to labor to repair
the damaged p-ways and hatches, as well as to restore the extensive ship's data
core. The rotations were well managed by the AI, and the security force was no
longer over-tasked. The mess halls came back online, and the Paleo food that
was still catching on throughout the UAP began to-
Dreadnought Ship : sate the appetites of the re-boarding crew and contractors.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the ship remained quiet and cool with no breeze inside now that
the hatches were all closed. A faint whisper of air could be heard right up
next to the still working ventilation system exit points, but that was all. The
entire outside remained peppered and dinged with black pock marks and tiny
metal bits.*
Shelwe [The Ghost smirked
inwardly. Even utterly invisible to these creatures, she would not express
emotion. Too much emotion for an Eldar was dangerous, and led to a state of
decadence and depravity- things that might Arwen were trying to fight. "I'm
uncertain what you are referring to; we've launched you back by shuttle.
Perhaps it had been too… -c-
Shelwe -c-intense of a
landing." The spirit floats around the Glith, and hovers behind her, like some
sort of guardian. She then wraps her arms around the Alien creature, as pain is
drained from the creature's senses. "Pain is but inadequate control of the
senses, Glith. Inhale and exhale, then be refreshed. Our task is about to
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {Before he could respond to Khara, he noticed her noticing something
else in the room, and looked around, albeit difficultly in his bulky suit.
Wondering what Khara was seeing, he began to check his instruments and
LT_M_Collins Zie popped the
magazine out of her rifle without looking. Her finger on the mag release, the
magazine dropped smoothly into her hand. The iridescent glow of the plasma
rounds she carried glistened in the harsh lights of hangar bay. Glancing down
she made a mental count. Thirty rounds a piece, she carried six extra mags for
her rifle, six for her<>
LT_M_Collins side arm, each side arm mag carried 15 rounds. Sighing
slightly she did the math, satisfied that she had enough she slapped the mag
back into place without loading a round into the chamber before turning her
attention back to the group of civilians milling about the hangar bay.<D>
Shelwe [The unseen creature
turns her attention to the apothecary in the cold metal room. He was being
curious, a tad too curious. Not that their primitive technology was capable of
cataloging her presence. At least not for another twenty-eight thousand years
from now, according to some seers. Still, she had to entertain him. The Ghost
floated -c-
Shelwe -c-towards the man,
and performed a gesture with her left hand. Three runes came up, dissipating
into one. Then something appeared in the man's head. "Paging Doctor Bulgakov,
you are needed in examination room number two."]
Kharakia She looked towards the
doctor, and gave a small smile towards him. "Zhlaass dosstan, Sasha Usstan
uil ula." Of coarse by now, she had been tended to as much as she could
with her physical injuries. With the Eldar presence being there of coarse
helping with the pain management, <C.
Kharakia and the supplies for
her arm would be coming soon. With a heavy inhale and exhale, she quietly
worked on her left arm, disconnecting a wire or two, and carefully removing the
synthic skin from the metal arm ~
Auzdein von Himmler : ["I'd like that, Serra." he let the formalities and
courtesies slide for the moment, sensing something more than just the pills and
welfare questioning was up. Taking a step away from his pilot's seat, he looked
down to her and let his gaze fall onto that of her own, looking into the backs
of her eyes before studying her in return.]
Nyria Serra : [Looking up into his eyes, she leaned back just a bit before
realizing it and corrected her posture with a hand going out to rest on the
side of the hatch from the neck hallway. "Join me in my room?" she
turned her body just a bit to the side to suggest he follow.]
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The crew continued to make its overlapping duty rotations as
the New Horizon quickly came back online. Steering was still mostly manual at
this point, but the data restoration process was going fairly smoothly. It
would still be a while before the archive was back up, but the important
systems were ready to operate again shortly.]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the cool, dry, dimly lit Firefly remained parked and anchored
atop its platform inside the hangar bay of the New Horizon. Inside the neck
hallway, faint footsteps on metal grating and plates could be heard for a
moment. Brahan closed the ladderwell down to his room and settled in for some
shuteye. Curtains and drapes hung throughout Nyria's room
Firefly Class Ship : *
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {Nodding in response to Khara after reading the translation of
what she had said, he continued to frown a bit in confusion and inspection of
her rapidly improving demeanor. Something was amiss here. He looked around the
room again casually, then back to her. What was he missing? He checked his net-book
and looked over at the other medical techs.
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : Nothing...}
Shelwe [Here was a Mon-Keigh,
in complete confusion and paranoia over the possibility of her presence. It was
amusing to the Ghost. On this occasion, and for the time duration, she was not
hostile. The same could not be said for the other presence in the ship. She was
not the only cloaked individual within this vessel.]
Auzdein von Himmler : [As he followed the young, fairly small Nyria
down the ladderwell to her well furnished small room aboard his Firefly, he
made no effort to mask checking her out as she descended and as she turned to
welcome him into her room. But before they could begin to pick up the yoga
where they'd been interrupted before, his mind keyed in again... -c-
Auzdein von Himmler : he turned to look back at the ladderwell for a
moment, then closed his eyes, raising a hand to calm and reassure Nyria he was
alright. "Are you there?" he said in his thoughts, feeling the being
he'd accidentally linked minds with before was close by again... "Are you
Kharakia As Kharakia removed
the 'skin' from her arm, it was clear that the joint itself had been broken,
and that several cables had been severed in the fall. The Glith didn't know
exactly if humanity had the same level of technology, but the construction of
her own prosthetic might have been <C.
Kharakia interesting. The
structure itself largely copied Glith anatomy, which was then covered by
synthic muscle and other fibers that weren't necessarily obvious as to what
they were. "Usstan uil al z'lonzic ulu alu Usstan talinth. shlu'ta udos
alu ulu inbau lil vas nin? " ~
Nyria Serra : [Noticing his sudden change, she narrowed her eyes and cocked
her head in inspection and curiosity. She didn't hear or see anything, and
wondered again about the pills she'd seen him take. Taking a quiet step
forward, she softly spoke his name "Captain Himmler...?" and let her
hands slide around and warm the one he'd extended to her.]
LT_M_Collins"EL- T?"
Nettles called from the other side of the hangar bay motioning to her to come
over. "What is it Nettles?" She returned the inquiry without moving,
her newest recruit got the hint and jogged over towards her. "All the
civilians are accounted for what next?" Zie took a deep breath before she
Dreadnought Ship : [[[The crew continued about their business, none of them the
wiser about the higher-tech being aboard their bustling vessel. The strike
group continued to sail through the great Black near Beaumonde...]]]
Firefly Class Ship : *the interior of the Firefly remained as quiet as before, but
was a bit unsettling now with the way Himmler was picking up on things again.*
LT_M_Collins "Patrol the
corridors. While the ship is down, we have no eyes on the inside as it were.
Form up and move out. Two man teams."
Dr Sasha Bulgakov : {He waited for the translation to come through on his net-book
screen, which was taking less time every round he noted, and looked up to Khara
with a nod "yes" and a motion of his hand. He'd like to study the
prosthetic, but that would have to wait. Rising, he motioned for some of his
medical staff to join them, and the guards stood aside.}
Kharakia took a few moments to
gather her shirt, as well as the upper half of her uniform and so far, draped
it around her shoulders before taking the shirt and synthetic skin in hand. The
Glith was not nude, considering that the bandages around her chest were good
enough coverage for <C.
Kharakia now. But she knew that
she would need additional clothes and such…only have one pair of uniforms and a
few odds and ends of clothing for everything else, was not good. " A mayar
vel'klar shlu'ta Usstan inbau natha thir'ku del ofil'nisha ghil?"
Glen Masters the
wood was starting to crack. The wood was a tad old and dilapidated, so the
extra concentrated weight didn't help. The rocking back and forth would be it's
true demise as the chair drifted back one more time. The chair made a loud
cracking sound, shattering both the back legs. Glen opened his eyes wide,
"Shiiiiiiiiit!" He yelled as he fell <c>
Glen Masters <c>
on his back and rolled out of the chair. The price he had to pay for falling
asleep in Engineering Bay. As he fell he smacked his head on the metal grating.
"Aw, damn!" He sat up and wiped his eye with one hand and his head
with the other. Bringing his hand in front it had a small bit of blood on it.
"Gat damnit! The infrim-ary again?" he <c>
Glen Masters took
the lift up to the deck and exited the lift. From there he would walk to the
informatory and set on a table, awaiting treatment. As he sat there he would
look at the floor pondering what to tell the doc, definitely not that he was
sleeping and fell out of the chair.