Highway Volcano
This is one of Inisfree's most impressive examples of its terraforming technological know-how. The entire construct is a fully functional volcano, accurate down to every little detail, from the type of rocks that make up its surface and interior, to the magma vents snaking all the way in to this stand-alone mountain's core. The only reason this is considered a fake volcano is because it isn't actually real lava that is flowing out from its caldera and down its sides; instead, it, like the fluid of the Lazy Lava River of this city's Amusement Park, is only made, and brilliantly so, to look, smell, and sound like the real thing, and even, in this case (not so at the Lazy Lava River), seem quite hot at close range. The key to this is one of the many devices Inisfreeans are known for perfectly hiding by building them into the material just beneath the surfaces of their designs; heating panels, in this case, along with bright LEDs, are aligned and activated in computer-adjusted sequences to keep the rivers of fake lava here frighteningly hot, steamy, glowing from within, and even seeming to ripple and distort the air right above them the same way it looks just over a hot engine of a car.
Dimensions & Layout:
This volcano is a cone with a base half a mile in diameter, a height of over 100 stories (1,056 feet, to be exact; one fifth of a vertical mile), and a caldera with a diameter of 858 feet. It is a completely self-contained, stand-alone unit, with the fake lava fluid being recycled the same way water is in a fountain; it flows out from the basin over the sides, gets collected in hidden drains around the base, is pumped back into its fake magma chamber, and is then pushed back up and out over the top, endlessly repeating. Computer-programmed eruptions cause slowly-rising mushroom clouds (non-nuclear) to reach two or three vertical miles above the top of this volcano, the Inisfreean weather pattern always causing this menacing plume of fake volcanic smoke and ash to lean out over the Impact Range, causing ODST to have to guide their pods down straight through its upper half.
Special Features:
Offending Outlanders who find themselves in Inisfree (often kajirae in training who prove to be foolish and otherwise offensive) are sometimes sentenced to punishment on the slopes of this little, hot, rough mountain. It is an exceedingly unpleasant experience, especially for those (such as nearly all Outlanders) who are unaware that it isn't real lava they are imprisoned by chains and collars to; amidst its rumbling, hissing, pyroclastic flows, a prisoner can easily lose her mind to terror, becoming willing to do absolutely anything to reduce her sentence and return to the service (or, at least, good favor) of Inisfree.
Highway Volcano News: Like Dante Peak, this man-made volcano is now fully operational; controlled eruptions and fake lava flows.
Highway Faux Volcano