Clubs News:  The final location of several of these clubs has been updated to better complement their themes.
Club Life

There are more than 45 innovative entertainment clubs located throughout the Inisfreean property, and all of them have a unique theme.  Dress codes are strictly enforced, and there is no such thing as leniency or VIPs.  Everyone is a VIP if you make it into one of these establishments, but no one gets to bend the attire rules.

Clubs are considered holy in Inisfree because dance is crucial for health --as well as for temple maintenance and realizing one's soul-purpose.  
Clubs are where you practice that movement, dance style, and vibe; they are not just for bump-n-grind sloppy-skank dance moves, and never for wasting time in with 'the drink' (alcohol).  Inisfreean clubs are about community and dance styles, healthiness, and activity (having an active lifestyle); not drugs.  Smokers and drinkers are seen as psychotic and literally mentally retarded, because that's what they are. Thus, you will see people 'high on life' in all Inisfreean clubs, 'all smiles' as they dance themselves wild and free, and never one of them under the influence of Any drug.

Inisfree loves creative minds, so if you have an idea or vision for how to improve one of our clubs, or some great material for creating a brand new one, please let one of us know so we can set aside some time to start working with you.

*As a reminder, just as the Outlands have gays-only clubs, and magazines and TV channels just for blacks, Inisfree and its clubs are just for fit bisexual girls and fit heterosexual men.​​

Vampire events are hosted at the industrial and tomb clubs, among others.

[Entertainment Clubs] Directory

  1. The Asparas Abode - Indian
  2. The Ninja Princess - Asian
  3. The Trail of Tits - Native American
  4. Logan’s Apartment - Rave / Trance
  5. Roller Boogie - 60s / 70s, roller rink lap-track in middle, walkways over and under it
  6. Jungle Fever - Jungle / Aztec
  7. Sporty Spice - Sports, pep-rally tracks, cheerleader gogos w/ uggs
  8. The Locker Room - shower misters with steam billows and all-colors flash-lasers, note
  9. Club Authority - law enforcement
10. The Wild West - country and rock; beneath the Colored Boulders Saloon (between the Cabins hood and the Valhalla slope)
11. The Schoolgirl - note
13. Crater Lounge - note
14. Dante - note *with Fire-ies
15. The Caligula Creamery - Greco-Roman 
16. Wet Love - ocean floor view, mermaid theme - Atlantis Resort
17. Rock the Boat - pirate theme (the floating amusement park)
18. Tank Girl - in the anchored Inisfreean Dropship (the DS which stays landed on the NWO military's portion of Inisfree's main lake's beach.
19. Tutankhamen's Tomb - aka "Titty (TT)" or just "Tutank's" (Original proposed location:  as one of the Governor's Mansion's basements.  New location:  at 4 Pharaohs)
20. Cush - Other mansion club (tomb)
21. Slippery Slopes - cliff dweller open-air desert race style
22. Cummunion - (inside the Temple of Auz)
23. Valkyrie Vixens - Norseman / Nordic / Viking - in the Valhalla Resort
24. Altar Girls - Catholic church theme
25. God and the G-spot - Masonic (grand) lodge / temple theme; a sexy spin on 'God and geometry'.  Located in Mt. Auzmore, since Masons are honored on Mt. Rushmore.
26. The Blue Ball Room - blue curtain dream ballroom
27. Grind House - Industrial / J-Punk (music and clothing style)
28. Ren' Fest - Medieval (in one of the castles)
29. The Slammer - Prison / Jail-house
30. The Randy Rusky - Soviet / Commie
31. WoW - Warcraft w/ Blood Elf
32. The Backhoe - construction worker theme -*or:  'Club Pile-driver'
33. Stargasm - StarCraft w/ Ghost (Sarah Kerrigan), alongside one of the CP practice landing areas for Pilots' Ed', as CPs look like larger versions of StarCraft mobile buildings.
34. SSS - NAZI theme (SS Sluts) -instead of 'triple X', we have here 'triple S'; more fun to hear our girls say it.
35. The Shaft - dance club in silo
36. Womb Raider - Indiana Jones / Lara Croft – where most traditional Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider temple ruins are; in the swamp and jungle!
38. The Sleepover - Pajama Party (BB Spire)
39. Modern Mecca - aka "Mm(m)", Arab-themed Club - Mecca cube
40. Dendrophiliac - Ent gogos (Disney theme park stilt style) (located in the Double Tree skyscraper-hotel) tree-houses in doors
41. Double X - X-2 jazz lounge, rhythm and blues, with gogos, balcony fine dining stone banisters (the 'double X'/'X2' are its 2 plus-sign/'X'-shaped sets of wings/arms that rotate)
42. Turbo Tongue - rap, hip-hop -*or: 'the Tongue Tornado'
43. Easy Rider - classic rock
44. The Climax - club atop mountain peak flattened as a stone-henge
45. The Horns - heavy metal
[NEW Entertainment Clubs] Directory!

  1. Angels Allure -  in the basement levels of the mile-wide Cloud City!  Angelic gogos, floating (magnetic) cloud love-seats, floating cloud canopy-beds, 9 sephoras...
  2. ​Congo Combine - Putumayo-style African Groove music,
tin the Giant Baobab!  African supermodel gogos, tribal bodypaint, ring dances, rapid hand-drums, & more...
  3. The Crystal Kaleidoscope ​- this newly-formed annex of the Uber Geode functions as Inisfree's first deep-underground night-and-dance club!
  4. Studio 54 - 80s​ theme - coming soon.
  5. Spray - fire station theme​ - coming soon.

Under Construction

Adding new club descriptions and imagery.