Detailed Breakdown News:  As of October 2013, all Inisfreean-made worlds now have their cities arranged, named, and populated.
Detailed Breakdown

This webpage explains how 100 billion Inisfreeans live comfortably on each Inisfreean planet and moon, how they got there so quickly (all in 1 year's time), how many cities are on each Inisfreean world and moon, where those cities are; how they are arranged across the surface(s), and how each city got its name.

​* Like each of these cities are now, Inisfree-city used to b​e known only by its alphanumeric designator, as well; FOB1.  Perhaps, in time, each of these 205,000 new cities of the Inisfreean empire will take on other names of their own...
Star-system Auzdein Detailed Breakdown
Part 1:  Acquisition

Each planet and moon has a total population of 100,000,000,000 Inisfreeans.
All Inisfreeans are born (cloned) in batches of 50 (every one of these 50 is an 'identical twin'; all clones in every batch of 50 look identical).
This means there are ~1,997,000 distinctly different, perfect teen female forms (1,996,000 (designed by Inisfree's brain, the Grid Mind) + 1,000 others).

2,000,000,000 groups/batches
vs. 1,997,000 distinct forms/bodies/faces
so: ~1,001 batches of each teen female form (1,001 batches-of-50-per-batch)

Thus, each planet/moon should have ~1,001 cities spread out upon its 2 surfaces;
1) the outer surface, which Outlanders of Earth lived upon, and
2) the inner surface, which Aghartans of Earth lived upon; the Hollow/Inner Earth.
So ~500 cities per surface/side/face.

Since each planet/moon has 100,000,000,000 Inisfreeans populating it,
and since there are 1,000 cities,
each city has 100,000,000 Inisfreeans populating it; the same number of Inisfree-city!!!
What a perfect coincidence!!!

Since each city has 100,000,000 Inisfreeans in it,
and since all Inisfreeans come in batches of 50 (identical 'twins'; clones),
there are 2,000,000 distinctly different-looking teen girls in each city; 2,000,000 batches of 50.

And each city on these worlds is unique, yet is roughly the same area as Inisfree; 100 sq.miles.
So 1,000,000 girls per sq.mile,
(1 sq.mile = 27,878,400 sq.ft. (5,280'^2)
so that means: 27 to 28 girls per sq.ft.,
which means we need vertical space (skyscrapers and subterranean) in each of these cities,
and since each girl is an IC, she is ~5' tall, so in order to have only 1 girl per sq.ft.,
we need (if evenly dispersed/halved) 14 stories/floors above ground, and 14 stories/floors below ground.
But since 1 girl per sq.ft. is still too cramped, we will set the skyscrapers and subterranean areas
to Inisfree-city's typical heights; mile-high buildings, and 2/+ miles-deep subterranean facilities!
Thus, we have less than a fraction of 1 girl per dozens of feet, freeing up spaces for our greenbelts, etc!

Just like Inisfree-city!

Each Inisfreean city (from Inisfree-city, to all of the cities on all of the star-system Auzdein worlds)
is basically ~3x the population that Tokyo was during 2012, right before the Rapture Campaign,
yet are far less crowded, actually being uncrowded in all areas at all times!
(due to 1) the anti-congestion laws/program, and 2) the towering buildings and abyssmal subt' fac's;
due to the natural design/scale of the constructs!)

Each city has a Grid Mind, which is the brain of each of these cities, as each of these cities is a
living, conscious, intelligent being -just like Inisfree-city!
All of these Grid Minds are the ICv of a Zerg-cerebrate, while Inisfree-city's Grid Mind = our Overmind.

The naming convention of these cities is as follows:
The name is always alphanumeric, and starts with the number of the orbital ring (0-16),
then the name of the planet (almost always three letters),
then which of the two surfaces ('O' for 'outer', or 'I' for 'inner') the city is on,
then the city's number (out of the 500 cities on that side/surface);
example: 8ArgI423 = the 423rd city out of 500 cities
on the surface of the hollow interior of planet Arg,
which is in the 8th (of 17; 0-16, inclusive) orbital ring of star-system Auzdein.
*And the order in which these cities are numbered is a spiral starting at
the north polar hole's lip and expanding out, around, and down toward the equator,
then just as very gradually contracting in a shrinking spiral farther down and around to
the south polar hole's lip. So the northernmost city is 1, and the southermost city is 500.

The same omni-calendar of all world/nation holidays, festivals, raves, parades, and other events,
is used/celebrated by each of these cities;
1,000 cities on each of:
205 worlds (including planets and moons, sub-moons, etc.), totaling:
205,000 Inisfreean cities, housing this many ICs:
20,500,000,000,000 spread out perfectly evenly amongst them all,
which leaves 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 (4,116,005,020,500,000,000,000 - 20,500,000,000,000)
ICs out in the Space-space (as opposed to air-space) of this star-system;
these are the ICs stationed aboard the SSBS, PSBS, and MSBS hidden within this system as its QRF).

Even on the tiniest moons, 1,000 cities isn't much at all; still tons of space in between each!

So, if asked, Auzdein_tells the asker: "20.5 trillion of our people inhabit our colonized worlds,
4.116005 sextillion of our people inhabit 3 very large Space-warships anchored in our star-system's domain,
and then, of course, we have the 100 million of our people inhabiting Inisfree-city,
which is the capitol of our interstellar and interdimensional kingdom and cloaked-realm."
('Space-warships' as opposed to more nondescript 'Spaceships')
(the '100 million' inhabiting Inisfree-city includes 144,000 Raptured Outlanders; all teen girls, 6,000 Outlanders captured as sex-slaves; also all teen girls,
and the rest:  Inisfreeans; perfected clone-variants (of teen girls​​) who are flash-cloned in batches of 50, and who also remain looking like teen girls forever)

There are 205,001 cities in the Inisfreean empire/kingdom/realm; 205,000 in star-system Auzdein,
and 1 (Inisfree-city) which is mobile, often opening its Perimeter Orb (spherical interdimensional
semi-permeable membrane 'smart'-gateway) on Earth at its favorite landing spot, which is on Antarctica.

Part 2:  _